Our Schools

Every Student Matters - Quality Learning - Effective Partnerships

The philosophy of Central Academies Trust is to retain the uniqueness and identity of each of its academy schools, whilst working collaboratively to raise academic standards for the young people we serve. We are committed to working with each of our schools so that they can become outstanding in their own right.   

We believe that every school is different and each family enjoys the unique and quite personal relationship with the school that their child attends. What appeals to one community won't appeal to another. Central Academies Trust works with its schools to develop their individual brand and appeal to ensure that each is the first choice school in its local community. To find out more about one of our schools, please click on their logo.

Our ethos underpins everything that we do at Lordswood Boys' School. Literacy is at the centre of everything. We believe that every member of our community can be successful and, through strong academic and pastoral support, we provide a safe and respectful environment where our students can achieve.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@centralacademiestrust.co.uk

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